
Viscerafest is a singleplayer focused Arena FPS developed by Acid Man Games in collaboration with Fire Plant Games with music from Markie Music and published by 1C Publishing.
You can now purchase the game in Early Access on Steam!

The year is 3796, and you are Caroline. A bloodthirsty, psychopathic, mercenary who wants nothing more than to marry her wonderful boyfriend Athens Fetter. Problem is money's tight, and rings aren't exactly cheap. But thankfully there may be hope for her yet, as a warlock named Cromune has acquired a rather hefty bounty on his head. He's being accompanied by a small fraction of the U.S.C. (The United Scientific conglomerate) Lead by Dr. Mortice. Which means he's got a small army defending him. But what's an army to someone who's taken on a legion? What're a few hundred soldiers to death incarnate? Nothing but a slaughter... Nay... A viscerafest.